Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We WeRe BoRN To LoVe!

We were born to love!
We were born to love..
We were not born to suffer.

The 20th Century that has been created by irresponsible adults, is filled with conflict and deceit.
We were not born to suffer.

There are times when we will meet people who are heartless, and we will feel like hitting them from behind.
But we were not born to hurt others.

There are times when we will meet people who are heartless, and we will feel insecure or stifled.
But we were not born to hurt others.

Sometimes, we create another person inside us.
Perhaps that is just a way of escaping from pain and suffering.
Perhaps we are only preparing ourselves for escape.
Shutting ourselves in our home and running to another place, In order to talk to that other person, the friend inside us.
That is why no one is ever alone.
Everyone of us has a friend, the other person inside us.

There are times when we think that friend is bad company, that he is cowardly and cruel.
But the reality it is different.
The one that is cowardly and cruels is not our friend, but ourselves.

Why? Because in truth, the existance of that friend is created by us for our own sake.
That is why we have to part with that wonderful friend.
If we don't it so, we will always be dependent on that other person inside us.

Well then, when will that happen?
It will happen when we meet the person we love.
When we give up loneliness, sorrow, pain and the person inside us for that person we love.

So, let's go look for the one we love.
Someone we love whom we can talk to about anything, to laugh with, to cry with, to hold each other, to kiss and have sex with.
Someone from whom we can get courage from, and to whom we can give courage in return.
The only reason we were born is to love!

(from japan drama series 'S.O.S' strawberi on the shortcake)


My name is aishah. Well, after a while I decided to post a blog. Before this, I just not so sure do I should write blogs or not. Coz, I'm a person who not easily to pour out my feelings, my opinions, my thoughts or my ideas. I just could not do it easily. What I have said to others are mostly not really what I'm really want to say. It is funny right?.

Maybe because I'm afraid, afraid to show who I am really are, afraid to make mistakes and then I end up hating to myself, angry to myself. It's better to keep inside, safely.

But now, I think why not I write it in this blog. I think it is ok. Well, to everyone who reads this blog, please dont think to much and hate me. Hehe..